emPower Payroll & HR - Best Payroll & HRIS software system with Time & Attendance - Software, Web & IT Solutions in Sri Lanka - Exesmart

emPower Payroll & HR

Using payroll software can speed up the process of calculating pay accurately, and making payments on time. It can reduce the burden of understanding complex payroll legislation and payroll systems operation. As a consequence, it can also reduce administrative costs. Payroll is a business-critical operation for every organization - people must be paid accurately and on time.

emPower Payroll & HR is comprehensive and flexible software solution for Sri Lanka with complete HR management, Payroll processing with EPF, ETF, Tax (PAYE) calculations, time and attendance management with fingerprint and employee self-service. Also leave management, loan management, timesheet, salary transactions, integrated reports are the key features of this HR software.

Save administrative cost by 80%
Save Payroll processing time by 90%
Prevent 99% human errors

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Organize your employees like never before

emPower Payroll & HR has the best employee management tool. You can search any employee in the system by any part of the information. With Employee Browser, you will find all your employee details at one place, searching editing and accessing all employee’s related details and functions can be started very easily from here.

Employee Browser has the ability of categorizing your employees in to several categories based on world standard employee categories. Also filtering any set of employees, exporting them to excel is sorting and managing them as you want are the unique features.

All your employees are at one place with all their relative tasks and individual reports. Whenever you need to search, view, add, edit or do any related task to employees, you can simply use this Employee Browser which will be a Google for your employees.

HR & Payroll Software in Kurunegala - Sri Lanka

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Complete HR Management

EmPower Payroll has the best Employee Management tool, Employee Browser which will be a google for your employees. Searching for any employee is very fast and effective. You can search any employee in the system by any part of the information which you know. Employee Management has the ability of categorizing your employees in to several categories based on world standard employee categories.

  • Cost Centre
  • Pay Centre
  • Locations/Branches
  • Departments
  • Sections
  • Grades
  • Job Titles (Designations)
  • Job Categories
  • Employment Status

Also it can store almost like all the information related to your employee.

  • Employee name and contact details
  • Employee Identity details
  • Gender, Marital Status and date of birth
  • Employee Number, Employee Fingerprint Number
  • Employee Pay Frequency
  • Pay Basis, Rate/Basic Salary
  • Payment Method (Bank/Cash)
  • Bank, Bank Branch with Account number
  • EPF and ETF entitlement
  • Annual, Casual leave entitlement
  • Family details and Other details

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Fully Parameterized Payroll Processing

Different companies have different payroll processing rules and calculations. But emPower Payroll & HR gives you the best option to customize your payroll processing as you want. Specially with the custom earnings and deductions you are allowed create unlimited number of earnings or deductions with all parameters such as taxable, calculate EPF/ETF, budgetary allowance, loan deduction and etc. Additionally it can integrate with employee loans, leave records, activity based payroll, time and attendance records.

Processing salaries is the most complicated function in the system, but you don’t have to do anything with this because system does the calculations automatically based on the processing settings you have set. It can handle multiple pay frequencies, any number of salary transactions and etc.

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HR System in Kurunegala - Sri Lanka

Custom Earnings and Deductions

This payroll system is fully parameterized, that means you can maintain your own payroll transaction types to match your organization needs. Custom Earnings and Deductions allows you to define the Earning Types and Deduction Types based on your requirement. There are several parameters you can choose when you create earnings or deductions for payroll calculations such as EPF/ETF entitlement, Taxable or not and etc.

Pay Period Management

This system is the only system that provides you to maintain 4 types of pay frequencies, Monthly, Fortnightly, Weekly and Lunar Monthly (4 Weeks Calendar). You can maintain your employees in different pay frequencies based on your requirement without any conflict. Smart period management will take care of all other related payroll calculations based on the frequency.

Period management will provide you to enter specific payroll transactions to open periods and you can keep records of all payroll pay history for past periods. So it can generate several decision making reports against periods with payroll figures.


EPF and ETF calculation is inbuilt with EmPower Payroll. You can select any employee for EPF or ETF entitlement. EPF rates and ETF rates can be managed in settings.

Salary Transactions

Salary transactions function enables to enter figures for any employee for any created custom earnings or deductions as recurring (Fixed) transition or non-recurring (Variant) transaction.


Timesheet is the best feature/function to enter employees’’ normal working time and overtime hours when you are not using automatic time & attendance calculations. It provides you a screen similar to excel to enter all figures at once and save at the end of entering.

If you need to enter the daily overtime or working time for each day in the period, you can use daily timesheet option which will automatically calculates the total for the period date range when processing calculations.

Loan Manager

You can stop maintaining loan schedules and deducting installments from payroll manually. Loan Manager is really advance and intelligent function which completely handles employee loans. Just you need to enter loan amount, number of installments, interest and etc., then loan manager will take care of deducting the installments from the salaries automatically.

Also below capabilities are there with loan manager.

  • Automatic loan deductions and completions
  • Employee Identity details
  • Loan Application, approval or rejection
  • Pause and resume running loan
  • Pay in Advance (it will reduce future installments)
  • Discontinue (Write-off) loans

Global Changes

Global changes makes your life easier when you want to add/modify salary transactions for all employees or for a group of employees. (If you want to increase the basic salaries by 10% for all employees, that can be done easily here. Also you can give bonus for all employees without adding the one by one as an example)

Process and Finalize Payroll

Processing salaries is the most complicated function in the system, but you don’t have to do anything with this because system does the calculations automatically based on the processing settings you have set. It can handle multiple pay frequencies, any number of salary transactions and etc.

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Time & Attendance with Fingerprint devices

The most valuable and time saving module in this system is time and attendance module. This special time and attendance module can import fingerprint records from your biometric devices and it can process fingerprint records based on the shifts, shift roster arrangement, overtime rates and absenteeism with leave management.

This module can save your administrative time by 90% when calculating time and attendance of employees. It is really helpful when your employees are working with different shifts and under different overtime rates. EmPower Payroll has the capability to read your biometric device fingerprint records and process them according to the shifts and rosters you have defined.

The leave management module is compatible with all Sri Lankan leave entitlement rules. Also you can manage annual, casual, sick, maternity, compassionate, no pay and lieu leave with all options.

Payroll System in Kurunegala - Sri Lanka

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Employee Group Management

Group management will allow you to create employee groups who works together in the same shifts. So you can easily manage their records with time & attendance.

Advance Shift Types

You can define your own shifts based on the actual working time of your employees. There you can define start time and end time with a grace period, half day time, overtime start times and end times up to 3 overtime type, lunch/break time and different other parameters to capture any complex shift

Shift Roster Management

Shift roster is the calendar of the shifts and employee groups. There you can arrange the employee groups assigned to shifts based on the requirement. You can add the shift roster in a repeated way with different repeat patterns.

EmPower ActiveSync

This is an add-on tool which will read biometric details and update the time and attendance records to the EmPower Payroll system. It can be installed in another computer which can reach all your biometric devices through the network or using internet.

Manage Fingerprint records

You are allowed to manage finger print records manually even after downloading them from the device. Therefore, this feature is helpful when employees is unable to mark their fingerprint and still they have reported to work. (E.g.: Due to electricity problems when fingerprint machine is not working and etc.)

Attendance Processing

Attendance processing will calculate the working time, overtime hours, absenteeism and attendance for all employees who have assigned to shifts

Resolving Attendance

Resolve attendance is a unique function comes with EmPower Payroll. It helps you to identify problems in attendance in a selected day such as No In/Out time, No fingerprint records, Present/Absent and etc. You can resolve them at the same palace quickly.

Attendance Allowances

EmPower Payroll supports calculating attendance allowances automatically based on the employee attendance records during the pay period. You can set the rules and the amounts for attendance allowances for any employee or employee groups. Payroll processing and attendance processing will take care of adding attendance allowance to the employees

Leave Manager

Leave and absenteeism are well controlled with EmPower Payroll. All entitlements and balances can be viewed at a glance. Leave applications, leave absenteeism can be recorded under world standard leave types (Annual Leave, Casual Leave, Maternity Leave, Compassionate Leave, Sick Leave and Unpaid Leave). All Unpaid Leave records (No Pay) will automatically deduct from the payroll based on the daily rate calculation.

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All Required Reports

emPower Payroll & HR considered generating valuable well-structured reporting for the users. It has more than 50 reports by default and these reports are updated time to time and new reports will be added to system with the software online updates.

From employee payslip to all other advance decision making reports are included in this system. All reports can be filtered, sorted, and grouped when before it is generated. Also you can export these report to any Microsoft office format and pdf for emailing and etc. You can easily click on print button to print any report at any time when you want.

Generating reports is really fast because emPower software uses integrated database stored procedures to get the processed data more quickly than any other report generation technology.

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HR Software in Kurunegala - Sri Lanka
Payroll Reports
  • Pay-slips
  • Pay sheet
  • Bank Listing
  • Signature Listing
  • Coinage report
  • Payroll comparison Reports
  • Payroll Journal
  • Payroll Comparison Report
  • Period Comparison Report
  • Earning/Deduction Listing
  • EPF and ETF reports
  • PAYE Reports
  • Payroll summary reports

Leave Management
  • Leave Applications
  • Leave History Report
  • Leave analysis
  • Leave Summary Report
Loan Management
  • Loan Applications
  • Loan Details Report
  • Loan Deductions
  • Loan Summary Reports

HR Reports
  • New Recruits
  • Employees Age Report
  • Employees Work Experience Report
  • Probation End Report
  • HR Summary Reports
  • Employee ID Card Generation

EPF and ETF Reports
  • EPF C Form
  • EPF & ETF Summary
  • EPF Statistics
Time & Attendance Reports
  • Daily Attendance Shifts
  • Attendance Datasheet
  • Attendance Summary Report
  • Employee wise attendance
  • Absenteeism Summary Report
  • Incentive Report
  • Attendance Comparison Report
  • Attendance Analysis Report
  • Late come / Short leave reports
  • Overtime and working time reports

Activity Based Payroll Reports
  • Activity Analysis Report
  • Activity Budget Summary
  • Employee Activiry Report
  • Activity Payment Report

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Implement in your company

Employee Self-Service

Employee Self-Service (ESS) is an additional web based module which is very helpful to your employees to interact with the HR system. Your employees can log in to the ESS module from anywhere using their favorite web browsers to access ESS. There employees can check various kind of details and can perform some HR Related actions as well.

  • Login from any device using your favorite web browser.
  • Update your ESS Profile and change your own password
  • Check your own personal details (HR details)
  • Check your Leave summary, leave records, pending leave
  • Check for the attendance records for any period in the history
  • Apply for leave days if available
  • Check your running loans and their balances
  • Check your salary progression (Payment history)
  • View your Pay-slip and Print
Payroll Software in Kurunegala - Sri Lanka

Support and Maintenance

Exesmart provides comprehensive software support services for organizations all year round. These services cover a range of activities, including troubleshooting application issues, conducting routine maintenance tasks, transferring data, installing program updates, and performing regular system checks. Additionally, Exesmart commits to establishing a specialized call center facility for the project, offering support, service, and helpdesk functions to its clients.

Finger print attendance software in Kurunegala - Sri Lanka

The system has a smart update mechanism to get the updates and patches from Exesmart servers and install automatically.

emPower Payroll & HR - Best Payroll & HRIS software system with Time & Attendance - Software, Web & IT Solutions in Sri Lanka - Exesmart

Our response time is according escalation procedures and quality assured to ISO standard and ensure faults are rectified within the defined time-scale

We help you to run first month payroll with this software with no cost. Also we provide Special support on implementation & training. And this system is 100% developed by Sri Lankan software developers to match Sri Lanka’s customized payroll requirements.

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Happy customers for emPower Payroll & HR

Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Clients - emPower Payroll & HR Software with Fingerprint, Attendance - Exesmart
Aexis Medical Lanka (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
Colombo 03
60+ Employees
Autoworld (Pvt) Ltd - Toyota LankaemPower Payroll, Other
100+ Employees Valuation
Bake House Kandy (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll, World POS
200+ Employees
Botanicoir Lanka (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
650+ Employees
ChildFund SrilankaemPower HRIS
CoCo Green (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
Colombo Design House (Pvt) LtdWorld POS, emPower Payroll
300+ Employees
Color Imprint (Pvt) Ltd.emPower Payroll
Darshana Group (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
200+ Employees
DSM Associates (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
Elegant Knitting International (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
Extreme Computer Technologies (Pvt) Ltd.emPower Payroll, Web Hosting
Harasara Industries (Pvt) LtdWorld POS, emPower Payroll
200+ Employees
J Hotels pvt ltdemPower HRIS
JEE CODEWorld POS, emPower Payroll
Keerthi Engineering Work emPower Payroll
Kodithuwakku Super (Pvt) LtdWorld POS, emPower Payroll
Kumudu EnterprisesWorld POS, emPower Payroll
LabLink Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
Lihini Shrimp ExportsemPower Payroll
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Lion Best Plastic IndustriesemPower Payroll, Website
75+ Employees Lionbest.lk
Majestic CityemPower Payroll
Manju ElectronicsWorld POS, emPower Payroll
METSHU Export (pvt) LtdemPower Audit, emPower Payroll
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Minsara Book GalleryemPower Payroll
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Nature Harvest Mushroom Lanka (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
NDC Agri Exports(Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
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NDC Exports (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
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Neptune Papers (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
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New PG EnterprisesWorld POS, emPower Payroll
Omek Investment (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
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PintXcel Packaging (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
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R S Embroidery & ClothingemPower Payroll
RIS Kurunegala (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
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Samanthi Book ShopemPower Payroll
Sanjeewa Book ShopemPower Payroll
Selyn Exporters (Pvt) Ltd.emPower Payroll
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Senarath Group of CompaniesemPower Payroll
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Spectra Industries Holdings (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll, World POS
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Swiss Advantage Systems (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
Talent Story (Pvt) LtdemPower Payroll
VISTA ClothingemPower Payroll
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45 clients as at 10/20/2024

What our Clients say

“This is the only reliable HRIS and Payroll I have experienced. Thanks to Exesmart. Great Initiative”

Amila Jayakodi, HR Manager
Rich Colour Exports (Pvt) Ltd.

“We at Swiss Advantage Systems uses emPower software for payroll management. Great system, great features and recommend to any SME.”

Malik Perera, Managing Director
Swiss Advantage Systems (Pvt) Ltd.

“emPower Payroll & HR software has done many different things for us by saving valuable time and money in managing HR and processing payroll with employee attendance. We give them an A++”

Buddhika Panagoda, Director
Color Imprint (Pvt) Ltd.

Need to hear more about us? We can even help you to show our success stories if you still need better confident to move on.

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